
How are people playing star wars battlefront already
How are people playing star wars battlefront already

The clone army arrives at the Separatist base on Geonosis with Jedi Master Mace Windu to destroy a Separatist army made up of battle droids, super battle droids, W-series droideka, and Geonosians. The Galactic Republic has just acquired a new clone army from the Kaminoans on Kamino. The CIS successfully destroys the Wookiee Trade Guild and its private army. The CIS force makes a direct strike at the headquarters of the Trade Guild on Kashyyyk. In retaliation the CIS sends Darth Sidious's new apprentice Count Dooku and an army of battle droids, P-series droideka, and the new B2 super battle droids to end the conflict. The Wookiee Trade Guild resists the taxes imposed by the Trade Federation, which is now part of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS).

  • Aggressive Negotiations ( Separatist Crisis).
  • Despite their efforts, the Trade Federation kills all the Royal Guards trying to defend the city. The people and security forces of the Naboo capital city of Theed attack the Trade Federation's army of battle droids, supported by P-series droideka, in an attempt to assist Queen Amidala in recapturing the planet. The attacking Trade Federation force overwhelms the shielding and destroys the generators, allowing the AATs to tear through the Gungan force.


    Their fambaas arrive with giant portable deflector shield generators, which are activated to protect the Gungan army. The Gungan Grand Army awaits them with legions of Gungan soldiers, some riding kaadu.

    how are people playing star wars battlefront already

    The Trade Federation army arrives in Multi-Troop Transports with Armored Assault Tanks (AATs). The Trade Federation army of B1-Series battle droids marches to the Great Grass Plains to destroy the native Gungan Grand Army, which opposes them on the surface. The Trade Federation has blockaded the peaceful planet of Naboo.

    how are people playing star wars battlefront already

    The Historical Campaign in Star Wars: Battlefront is divided into two parts, the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, following the timeline of the Star Wars films.

    how are people playing star wars battlefront already

  • 5.2 Inconsistencies with Star Wars continuity.

  • How are people playing star wars battlefront already